Incisions That Will Remind Me Every Day What I Lost

Incisions That Will Remind Me Every Day What I Lost | a story of ectopic pregnancy

I am 19 years old and I will be 20 soon. I have had a full time job for three years and I love on my own. I just recently experienced an Ectopic Pregnancy.

In April 2014, I was out of town with my mom & my friend and told my friend I had some pain in my right lower side of my stomach. It eventually went away later on that night and didn’t think anything of it.

A few days later at work, I was assisting residents trying to feed them supper as I had that pain come back on my right side. I’m not a person to cry in front of others, but I was in so much pain I was bawling, the charge nurse called my mom & told her she needed to come get me & take me to the ER.

When I got there, they did a urine sample & took my blood, then a CT scan.  Finally from getting at the hospital at 7:30pm-ish we left at 1am with the doctor saying everything was OK. Tuesday came around & I wanted to see my regular doctor. Ironically, she wanted to see me as well. The person they sent my CT scan to be read read it wrong. The radiologist Tuesday told my doctor I was pregnant and that I had blood in my pelvis. So, I made my appointment and waited & waited…

She finally came in and told me & my mom I was pregnant – that there was blood in my pelvis, & possible ectopic pregnancy. I was so scared & bawling. Scared my parents would be disappointed in me, but they were ok with it — my dad was just glad it wasn’t cancer. So they did a sonogram and couldn’t find anything besides blood. They had me scheduled to see a different doctor (OB/GYN) I had a sonogram done there with also more blood drawn.

I finally talked to the doctor and he said my hCG levels have dropped by half from when I got my blood drawn Tuesday & with as much pain I was in, he figured it was going away on its own, but we talked about surgery. At first, he was just going to go in & clean up the blood in my pelvis until he saw that my right Fallopian tube was still huge. He cut it open & tried gluing it back, but the glue wouldn’t hold & it kept bleeding. So the doctor ended up taking my right Fallopian tube. He had also mentioned that I have endometriosis. They said I was maybe 2-5 weeks or a little more.

The doctor told my parents I made the right decision of having surgery. I honestly had no idea I was even pregnant until I went back to the doctor on Tuesday. It seriously sucks knowing I got pregnant being on birth control & I lost it. I know I’m young & some may look down in me for not being married, but I would of taken great care of my baby, & loved it so much and my parents would be behind me 100% of the way. It also sucks with it being my first pregnancy that this is what I’ll have to remember.

Also, I have three incisions on my belly that will remind me every day what I lost. I have friends who are pregnant & it is hard for me to be happy for them after what happened or being around them or people even talking about it. It scares me that this might happen again when I plan it & am married.

— Anonymous

Photo credit: adapted from S. Reachers | Flickr

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