About Unspoken Grief

Unspoken Grief is a safe place to share, talk, support and learn about the impact of miscarriagestillbirth and neonatal loss in our lives.  A grief and journey that is often underestimated which can cause women, partners, families and friends to feel silenced –invisible.

Unspoken Grief is a place for your stories and your voice. Share and read stories and voices from others who have been impacted by perinatal grief and offer your support, wisdom and understanding.

This site is for anyone touched by perinatal grief — you can be the mom of baby no longer here, a father, brother, sister, aunt, grandmother/father, friend — anyone — we want you to raise your voice.

A space for yourself, your family and friends to feel connected to anyone touched directly or indirectly by perinatal grief.  Dedicated to breaking the silence and stigma, we will work together to raise awareness, support each other and show the true impact perinatal loss and grief can affect our lives.

Unspoken Grief aims to support everyone from all walks of life, who have been touched directly or indirectly by perinatal grief. We respect each other’s choices regarding religion, orientation, or beliefs and strive to build a warm community based on support and understanding.

Learn from each other, support each other and let’s break the silence and stigma of the impact of perinatal loss and perinatal grief.